Monday, March 12, 2012

10 Month Update

Hello Again!

It has been about 10 months since we have fired up our brick oven for the first time. To summarize, the performance of this little guy has GREATLY exceeded our expectations!

When we built the oven, we were expecting to be able to bake 6 loaves of bread with maybe 3-4 oven loads for a total of 18-24 loaves per firing. We would use this as the very first baby step for our 'business to be' and just bake bread for a dozen people one time a week. At first, this is all we baked, and our limit for one firing was about 25 loaves. Then the limit became 30... 35... then I started to fit 8 loaves per load... 9 loaves per load... 5 times... then 6 times. Our limit soon became 55 loaves per firing. Our customer base grew from just about a dozen people to almost 200 to date. We are baking bread on Fridays and Saturdays now. On Saturdays when the oven is really hot, we are able to bake 75 loaves (9 oven loads) with ease on one firing and I believe the potential to be close to 100 loaves (12 oven loads) with a really hot firing. Far from the 18 loaves we thought this oven would be capable of.

All in all, we are thrilled with the results of this oven. If I were to do it all over again, the only difference would be to not use a quartz countertop piece as the hearth stone the entrance of the oven. The extremely high heat melts the glue (or whatever holds it all together). I would recommend granite or brick. I have not opened the back to check and see what the cladding looks like, but from a performance standpoint, there are no problems. I will try to update this post when I take a peek.

With all that said, it is time to upgrade to a bigger oven!

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